DJGPP COFF files All multi-byte values are LITTLE ENDIAN ================================================================ COFF FILE HEADER (20 BYTES) ================================================================ file offset ------------------------------------------------------- 0 | COFF file magic | number of sections | ------------------------------------------------------- 4 | time/date stamp | ------------------------------------------------------- 8 | file offset of symbol table | ------------------------------------------------------- 0Ch | number of symbol table entries | ------------------------------------------------------- 10h | aout header size | COFF file flags | ------------------------------------------------------- 14h COFF file magic =014Ch number of sections (self-explanatory) time/date stamp =time/date of file creation in time_t format (number of seconds since Jan 1, 1970, 12:00 AM) file offset of symbol table (self-explanatory) number of symbol table entries (self-explanatory) aout header size =001Ch for DJGPP COFF executable, 0 for relocatable COFF file flags 01h=relocation info stripped from file 02h=executable file (no unresolved externals) 04h=line numbers stripped from file 08h=local symbols stripped from file ================================================================ DJGPP COFF A.OUT FILE HEADER (28 BYTES) ================================================================ The a.out header is not present for relocatable files. file offset ------------------------------------------------------- 14h | aout magic | aout version | ------------------------------------------------------- 18h | code size | ------------------------------------------------------- 1Ch | data size | ------------------------------------------------------- 20h | bss size | ------------------------------------------------------- 24h | entry point (initial EIP) | ------------------------------------------------------- 28h | file offset of .text section | ------------------------------------------------------- 2Ch | file offset of .data section | ------------------------------------------------------- 30h aout magic =010Bh aout version =xxx - ? code size =combined and rounded-up size of all code sections data size =combined and rounded-up size of all data sections bss size =combined and rounded-up size of all bss sections entry point (initial EIP) (self-explanatory) file offset of .text section (self-explanatory) file offset of .data section (self-explanatory) ================================================================ DJGPP COFF SECTION HEADER (40 BYTES) ================================================================ file offset for first section header ------------------------------------------------------- 30h | section | | name | | | ------------------------------------------------------- 38h | physical address of section (LMA) | ------------------------------------------------------- 3Ch | virtual address of section (VMA) | ------------------------------------------------------- 40h | size of section | ------------------------------------------------------- 44h | file offset of section | ------------------------------------------------------- 48h | file offset of relocations | ------------------------------------------------------- 4Ch | file offset of line number info | ------------------------------------------------------- 50h | num. relocations | num. line numbers | ------------------------------------------------------- 54h | section flags | ------------------------------------------------------- 58h section name =.text .data .bss .stab .stabstr or user-defined section name. New versions of DJGPP use a peculiar scheme for long section names: if the first character of the section name is '/' (slash), and the remaining characters are digits, the digits are a decimal ASCII value representing an offset into the string table. The name at this offset is the long section name. (This is peculiar because a separate scheme for supporting long SYMBOL names already exists in DJGPP COFF -- see below. [Update: this 'peculiar' scheme may have been used for compatability with non- GNU compilers.]) physical address of section (LMA) "load" address; set by 'AT' in linker script virtual address of section (VMA) for .text section, this is the ORG value size of section (self-explanatory) file offset of section (self-explanatory) file offset of relocations (self-explanatory) file offset of line number info (self-explanatory) number of relocations (self-explanatory) number of line number entries (self-explanatory) section flags 20h=.text (code) section section 80h=.bss section xxx - CONTENTS, ALLOC, LOAD, CODE, DATA, DEBUGGING section output of DJGPP flags objdump -h ------- --------------- 0020 CONTENTS, ALLOC, LOAD, CODE 0040 CONTENTS, ALLOC, LOAD, DATA 0080 ALLOC 0200 CONTENTS, DEBUGGING ================================================================ COFF LINE NUMBER RECORDS (6 BYTES) ================================================================ record offset ------------------------------------------------------- 0 | physical address or symbol table index | ------------------------------------------------------- 4 | line number | --------------------------- 6 physical address or symbol table index =(line number != 0) physical address of line, or (line number == 0) symbol table index of line label ================================================================ COFF RELOCATION RECORDS (10 BYTES) ================================================================ record offset ------------------------------------------------------- 0 | virtual address | ------------------------------------------------------- 4 | symbol table index | ------------------------------------------------------- 8 | relocation type | --------------------------- 0Ah relocation type =0006h for 32-bit absolute address =0014h for 32-bit EIP-relative address Demo code for performing DJGPP COFF relocations: ================================================================ COFF SYMBOL TABLE RECORDS (18 BYTES) ================================================================ record offset ------------------------------------------------------- 0 | 8-char symbol name | | or 32-bit zeroes followed by 32-bit | | index into string table | ------------------------------------------------------- 8 | symbol value | ------------------------------------------------------- 0Ch | section number | symbol type | ------------------------------------------------------- 10h | sym class | num aux | --------------------------- 12h xxx - finish ================================================================ COFF STRING TABLE ================================================================ If end of symbol table < end of COFF file, the remainder of the COFF file is the string table. This table is used to store symbol names that are too long (9 characters or more) to fit into the symbol table entries. The first 4 bytes of the string table are the size of the string table itself. These 4 bytes should be zeroed after the size value has been read. Offsets into the string table are from the start of these 4 bytes. An offset of 0 is legal, and will result in a NULL string because of these 4 zeroes. Strings in the string table are normal, C-style (0-terminated) strings.